Overhead Crane Dictionary 101

What directions do Overhead Cranes move in?  This blog post will review some of the terminology that is frequently used in Overhead Crane conversations in addition to providing an Overhead Crane Dictionary. 

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Overhead Crane Safety 101

When working with overhead cranes, dropped loads are one of the most common safety hazards. Improper operator training, side pulling with the crane, poor rigging technique, using an incorrect lifting device and hoist overloading, are the most common causes for dropped loads.

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Daily Inspection and Maintenance Required for Overhead Cranes

When using an overhead crane for material handling applications, having a preventative maintenance program in place is IMPERATIVE. This maintenance program should be centered on crane manufacturers recommendations, and based on an effective and thorough safety and inspection program that is conducted on a regular basis.

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Prevent Accidents with Overhead Crane Safety

Accidents, property damage and fatalities occur every year due to improper use of cranes and equipment failure. Identifying hazards and adhering to simple inspection can safety guidelines reduce the probability of these unfortunate occurrences.

Related to: How to Extend the Life of Your Overhead Crane, A General Overview of Overhead Cranes, The Importance of Load Testing Overhead Cranes and Hoists,  The Benefits of Modernizing Your Crane

Continue reading “Prevent Accidents with Overhead Crane Safety”

The Benefits of Modernizing Your Crane

Increased production, faster operating speeds, better controls, or automation and those are just the tip of the ice-burg of what you can gain when you decide to modernize or upgrade your crane.

Related: Crane Modernization, Structural Upgrades and Control Upgrades 

Continue reading “The Benefits of Modernizing Your Crane”